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Preschool and Pre-K​


Our program delivers project-based learning in a highly individualized setting with small class sizes and a 6:1 student-teacher ratio.  The curriculum is designed to stimulate excitement for learning, problem solving and develop deep thinking.  Through academic enriched-play based activities, we are also able to engage students in activities that promote an enjoyment of school and lifelong learning.  Students are encouraged to embrace their individual curiosity and acquire deeper knowledge through exploration.

Our program is designed around a "Letter of the Week" theme.  For the entire week, we focus on one letter and its sound, reinforcing it in all of our activities.  During "Letter V week", students learn about vegetables and graph all of their favorites during snack time. A student favorite is making and then watching a volcano explode!  Another example is going on a field trip to ride a carousel during letter "C" week.   At the end of the week, each student goes home with a "letter of the week bag" with fun things like kazoos for letter "K", lollipops for letter "L" and bubbles for letter "B".  Children are encouraged to bring an item from home to participate in the letter of the week.  Children will have a lot of fun learning the letter shape and sound. 

The curriculum is specifically designed to exceed the District 25 kindergarten readiness standards.  It uses nationally recognized programs such as Jolly Phonics, IcanReadSongs, Handwriting Without Tears (kindergarten readiness), and One in Christ.  

Preschool and Pre-K are available in half (9am-12:30pm) and full day (9am-3pm) options.  Parents can enroll their child for 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 days per week.  We customize these programs to fit each family's schedule.  Lunch and snacks are provided.  Before and after school extension hours are available and flexible based on family needs.  Sibling discounts are offered for families.

Kindergarten Enrichment

This program offers additional enrichment for kindergarters already enrolled in half day kindergarten in the public schools.  Offered in both AM and PM, students will attend Christian Pre-K Prep either before or after they attend public school kindergarten.  Mrs. Gilland will work with each student's parents and kindergarten teacher to deliver curriculum customized to the student's specific needs.  Time for lunch will be included.  Becasue Distrcit 25 will be offering full day kindergarten starting in August 2024, this program ends 5/31/2024. 

Summer Boot Camp

Everybody needs a break from school and summers are a great time to unwind.  However, too much time off makes it difficult for some kids to go back ready to learn in the Fall.  Our summer program is designed to bridge that gap.  For kids 5 to 9 years old, the days will consist of fun indoor and outdoor thematic activities such as science, reading, math, art, and water games.  Your child will be excited about the themes and projects.  Photos will be posted every day and each week includes one field trip.  Your child will be sure to come home happy, enriched, and exhausted. 

One theme example is "Let's Play Outdoors!"  A playscape is a natural playground defined as a space with little manmade components, like landscape.  Playscapes are designed with the intent of bringing kids back to nature. During this week, the kids will have a blast playing, exploring, and creating art projects that can be used outdoors: ​sun visor, tie dye t-shirts, rainstick, patriotic wood plaque and pet/garden rocks.

Each camp session is one week long and runs daily from 9am to 3pm.  Kids can be registered for one, two, three or four weeks.  Sibiling discounts are offered for families.  Dates for 2024: Week #1 June 3-7, Week #2 June 10-14, Week #3 June 17-21, and Week #4 June 24-28.  

"Mrs. Gilland inspires them to be curious about the world and enthusiastic about learning."             
Retired SD 25 kindergarten teacher
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